Overcoming Attribution Challenges: Accurate Data for Mission-Driven Non-Profit

Marketing Analytics | High Tech
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A mission-driven non-profit partnered with Augurian to enhance their SEO and Analytics for their website. Previously, they were unable to get accurate attribution relating to the organic channel. This was due to a website redirect that stripped the organic search channel of credit for the traffic they had driven.

In addition to delivering updates that allowed them to measure their yearly KPI’s, the client was also able to get a more accurate view of the performance of the organic search channel due to some clever updates made within their report dashboard.

Overcoming attribution challenges:

While we are waiting on website updates to remove the issue that is causing inaccurate counts, we were able to create a filter within their reporting dashboard. The filter merged together the traffic that was being accurately attributed to the organic channel, as well as the traffic that wasn’t, to create accurate counts. Now, the team and the client can continue to review accurate data on an ongoing basis. This enhanced the client’s ability to justify their marketing efforts by having accurate data to analyze the impact of the organic traffic.

  • Accurate traffic counts to the clients for the first time for organic search
  • Accurate goal measurement

Not only did this allow the clients to have accurate traffic data for the first time ever, but it allowed the client to identify that their initial goals were much too conservative based on current performance. We could reach even higher!

Tyler Hanna
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