Re-Optimizing Page for Conversions Boosts Leads +117%

Organic Search | B2C
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A surrogacy company partnered with Augurian’s SEO team to improve its lead capture for potential surrogate candidates to support more families in their journey. To improve the user experience and provide more direct opportunities for visitors to convert, our SEO team made the following updates: 

  • Widened the Content: Made the pages easier to read
  • Added Form as a New Conversion Lever: Minimized clicks to conversion
  • Moved the CTA Higher: Reduced friction for users to take action

After implementing these simple changes, the optimized page saw significant improvements:

  • Leads improved +117%
  • Conversion rate grew to 40%

Due to the positive initial results, Augurian’s SEO team is now updating other target service pages for the client to obtain even larger impacts!

Sam Loyda
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