The Importance of Video Marketing for SEO In 2024

Organic Search | 2024 Planning

YouTube is the most popular video search engine in the world. More digital marketers than ever before now consider video marketing to be an ‘important part of their marketing strategy,” and more search-engine-results pages are delivering relevant video answers. 

Stats show that optimizing web pages with videos drives “on average a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines, a 105% increase of time on site, and 2 times overall conversion compared to a non-video marketing strategy.” 

Google search results have become increasingly dynamic and competitive over the years. As more multimedia answers and video results have appeared, it isn’t slowing down soon. Search demand for articles and landing pages enriched with videos and images is growing. 

How to Grow Confidence in Your Video Marketing ROI 

Video creation might be daunting, but the journey should not end when you publish a video.

Optimize your videos for YouTube search – and go the extra mile to weave them into relevant website pages for Google searches. By embedding videos into optimized landing pages, you can multiply the value of both assets by capturing high-value video features in regular Google search results and earning trustworthy links.

Here’s how to maximize your ROI from video marketing with organic search:

Optimization: Ensure you tailor your videos for YouTube search. Transcribe videos and include keywords in titles and descriptions to help surface them in YouTube and Google searches.

Integration and Promotion: Create a dedicated landing page for each video and embed the video with a thorough written summary with links to related pages. Promote your videos on social media and link to the optimized landing pages. Insert links to your videos within blog posts, guides, and other relevant website content.

Analytics: Keep track of performance metrics such as views, shares, dwell time, and conversion rates to find your top-performing videos and understand what’s working. Pay attention to competitors to see trends, opportunities and to benchmark your progress. 

Optimize Your Marketing Videos for Search Visibility

With 91% of businesses leveraging video in 2023, assessing your strategy’s effectiveness is crucial. Are you already publishing videos on YouTube to promote your brand? 

When planning your 2024 marketing strategy, ask these questions to decide if you’re doing everything possible to drive ROI from those efforts and earn stakeholder praise. 

  • Did videos meet or exceed your goals last year?
  • How does your recent ROI from videos compare to previous years?
  • Are your videos discoverable on search engines?
  • How do your video metrics stack against competitors?
  • Is your video content engaging enough, reflected by CTR, comments, shares, and likes?
  • How much has video content influenced site traffic and user engagement?
  • Has video content helped in expanding your online audience?

Don’t let your hard work go to waste. Creating videos alone isn’t enough – an overarching strategy is vital to drive views, shares, and conversions. Seamless integration of video content with your website can enhance authority, drive engagement, and magnify ROI. 

Make sure your videos are easy to find. Augurian can soup up your YouTube video marketing efforts with our experience in organic search marketing strategies. Find out how we can help you transform your video performance. 

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