Routine Health Check Saves Monthly Impression & Click Data

Organic Search | B2C

A national law firm partnered with Augurian’s SEO team for organic strategy and growth. As part of this relationship, Augurian performed a routine health check for the site. Through meticulous analysis using Google Search Console, we witnessed significant data losses affecting organic clicks and impressions over the course of an entire month. 

Augurian uncovered a recent update that caused target URL slugs to change, resulting in landing pages previously tracked to lose tracking data in GSC. Additionally, the new URL slug was not indexed. Our team swiftly pinpointed and resolved the underlying issues and placed 301 redirects accordingly, leading to a rebound in both impression and click data. This intervention not only restored but also enhanced the firm’s ability to attract and convert visitors through organic search.

Routine health checks can be vital in reporting and tracking performance in both Google Search Console and Google Analytics 4. Augurian’s team performs these health checks often to ensure reporting accuracy. Due to these checks, we were able to recover the following for a single landing page and more:

  • 3000+ impressions per month
  • 240+ clicks per month
  • Recovery of impression & click data for an additional 4 pages
  • Client confidence in accurate monthly reporting
Cody Marmon
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