Hubspot Lion Program Experience

hubspot lion bootcamp program experience
Recently Augurian’s President, Colin Hirdman, participated in Hubspot’s Lion Program. In this blog he shares what he learned from this experience.

Over the course of eight weeks, I participated in the Hubspot Pipeline Generation Boot Camp. This program was run by inbound guru Dan Tyre (a pure ball of positive energy!). Below are my main thoughts on the program and the value I received.

1. Be yourself

A large portion of the Pipeline Generation is focused on the Connect Call! This is where you pick up the phone and call prospects. This can of course be intimidating for many people, which is why you have to just be yourself. You’ll write an opening, which many elements have been time tested by Dan, such as:

  • Introduce yourself and pause

  • Thank the prospect for picking up the phone

  • Implement your “Ugh” and cackle appropriately

  • But most of all just be yourself and take the mindset of helping

2. Help

One of the best strategies you can implement is getting in the helping mindset. Don’t sell, help! Here are some things that will help you get in that mindset:

Don’t think about selling and talking. Think about listening and helping.

Use empathy to understand how your prospect is feeling and to show them that you hear them and understand where they’re coming from

3. Process

The best of intentions are lost without discipline and process. You must create a process you can stick with. Here are my highlights.

Do your research. Put together your plan. The Lion Bootcamp will help give you the clarity you need to do this.

Connect Call – opening script, call training, etc.

Video Email – send video emails instead of standard ones (example Vidyard)

Crystal – allows you to understand a person’s personality with a LinkedIn plugin

Sales Plan Template – put your plan into action by clearly defining what you’ll do and when

4. Dedication

Getting traction in your marketing efforts requires dedication. That’s one of the primary benefits of the Hubspot Lion Pipeline Generation bootcamp – practice, practice, practice. You can’t help but be dedicated due to the actions and deadlines required to meet in order to graduate.

This translates incredibly well to the real world in that your dedication creates opportunity and results. Which undeniably is the goal of marketing in the first place.

5. Be a Lion

To become a Lion you must finish the bootcamp and graduate. Dan does a wonderful job running the weekly meetings and teaching you what being a Lion truly means.

I would add that a big part of being a Lion is bringing this characteristic to your daily life – Optimism! Lions are optimists always looking at the bright side of things, trying new strategies, and always willing to help.

If you’d like to learn more, feel free to contact me [email protected] or look up the Hubspot Pipeline Generation bootcamp.

Happy hunting!

Founding Partner at Augurian
Colin Hirdman
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