Holiday Shopping – in the Moment

Instead of never ending mall marathons, Google is finding that shoppers are doing their holiday shopping in the moments that they have throughout their busy daily lives. This type of shopping has led to shorter, more purposeful mobile shopping sessions.

Here is some crazy data to back this up:
– Shoppers now spend 7% less time in each mobile session
– Smartphones’ share of online shopping purchases have gone up 64% over the last year
– 30% of all online shopping purchases now happen on mobile phones

Fitting holiday shopping into moments also means that shopping is happening throughout the holiday season, not just on 1 or 2 big shopping days like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

Holiday Shopping in the Moment

So, the time to start reaching holiday shoppers is now! Make sure your shopping experience is optimized for mobile devices and go out and get’em!

Here is more info about Google’s research on 2015 Holiday Trends.

by Josh Becerra

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