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Shinhee Son

Over the past 13 years, Shinhee has carved a niche in growing companies’ presence online. He began his journey diving deep into the world of SEO, Content Marketing, and CRO. In both agency and in-house settings, Shinhee turned thousands of visitors into millions multiple times changing the perception of digital marketing as a cost center to a business driver.

Shinhee has been at Augurian for 8 years mostly as a Director of SEO and Partner. Now, as the Director of Growth, he’s leveraging his extensive experience in scaling marketing efforts with limited resources.

Outside of Augurian, Shinhee’s interests in trading, investing, and home renovation projects have sharpened his marketing approach. He has honed his abilities to spot trends, assess opportunities, and manage risks while deepening his understanding of human psychology.

Just like understanding human sentiment is vital in trading and digital marketing, connecting with audience emotions is key to making brands stand out. Shinhee is eager to connect with marketing leaders of small but mighty teams who are ready to take their marketing to the next level.
