Monkey Island supports Drupal Community through sponsorship of Drupal Camp 2013

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Monkey Island is proud to announce their Gold Sponsorship of the 2013 Drupal Camp-Twin Cities.

When asked why Monkey Island decided to sponsor Drupal Camp, the company’s co-founder, Josh Becerra said “We’re a company that partners with Twin Cities Drupal shops and Drupal freelancers – so we felt that it was important to show our commitment to this community.”

Now more than ever businesses want websites that go beyond being an online brochure. Business owners and managers are asking the tough questions about website ROI and the developers and firms that don’t have a solid answer are finding themselves at a competitive disadvantage in our marketplace.

Monkey Island provides SEO, Search Marketing and Conversion Optimization Solutions to agencies, web design firms and freelancers that don’t have these capabilities internally. “We help our partners turn their clients’ websites into high-performance, revenue generating engines.” said Becerra.

If you are interested in learning more about how Monkey Island partners with Drupal shops and Drupal freelancers, contact us today.

Contact Monkey Island.

by Josh Becerra

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