When it comes to digital marketing KPIs, a lot of marketers find themselves asking the question – “What really matters?”
Digital Marketing KPIs: What Really Matters
Recently we’ve been having a lot of internal conversations and reading about what KPIs matter. The reality is that approaches to measurement are evolving pretty quickly. In a previous post “Which PPC Metrics Really Matter?” we shed some light on how marketers with soft KPIs like CPC and number of Impressions or Clicks need to move to tracking better metrics like CPA and ROAS.
In this blog post we’re challenging those of you who are already tracking CPA and ROAS to take a deeper dive into measurement. The truth is that for digital marketing KPIs to truly matter they must be tied to broader business goals. This means that you have to ask yourselves questions like:
“Are our KPIs and how we measure success holding my business back from reaching my customer?”
In this Fiat Chrysler Automobiles case study you’ll see they actually found that their digital marketing KPIs were keeping them from doing what was useful for their customers. These insights led them to change their KPIs, shift their budgets and optimize for the real needs of their customers.
The best way to begin to rethink KPIs and the measures you use for growth is by starting with what really matters : business goals.
Starting with business goals places the customer and the customer journey at the center of the conversation. It allows you to better understand the importance and impact that cross-device and online-to-offiline is having on your business. It allows you to diagnose if your existing digital marketing KPIs and measurement models are falling short.
While approaches to measurement are ever-evolving, prioritizing KPIs that better capture the business goals you are trying to achieve gets you a lot closer to what really matters. We’d love to discuss the changing KPI and measurement landscape anytime – just reach out.